Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mean Mom

Last week, I took a giant bag of candy into class for my students. They told me that I am a mean mom.

You see, the night before - I put the kids to bed. Then, I put the kids back to bed. Then, I put them back to bed and told them that I expected them to stay put. Then, I finally told them that the next time they got out of bed - they would lose all of their halloween candy.

I thought that they would stand and take notice. Instead, they tested me.

So, the next morning, J and I sequestered the really good stuff for ourselves (we aren't dumb). And, I gave ther rest of the candy to my students.

Mean mom indeed.


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

A Mom's gotta do what a Mom's gotta do. If your students ate it then they couldn't have been that concerned!

richgold said...

Here here PC!

Good for you for standing up for yourself and for the house rules. I got awakened this morning by a HOWLING 4 year old who's trying to run our household. She was this close to loosing a play date with a friend today!

BTW - the lesson was probably learned by more then just a few kids that day. Your students might actually realize YOU do what YOU SAY you're going to do.
